

“As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Nelson Mandela

  • In these troubled times, our capacity to be present in the world (to ourselves, to others, to everything around us...) is limited. Yet, to find meaning, joy, beauty, and connection to life—both individually and collectively—this presence seems more necessary than ever.

  • How do we experience presence?

    What are the material and immaterial obstacles that prevent us, individually or collectively, from being present?

    How does presence have the potential to radically transform our relationship with the world and with others? To connect us to others?

    How can we recognize it, encourage it and amplify it?

  • Three conversations on the theme of presence took place in 2024. To learn more.

    Brèches relies on the relational aesthetics of conversation to create unique experiences, capable of sparking surprise, interrupting the usual flow of reality, and reconnecting with the creative current of life.

    More conversations will be held in 2025.

  • Stay tuned for more presence-related events in the coming months.
