

In 2025, we are launching various formats of sharing, exchange, and inquiry on the theme of presence.

We invite a broader audience to join us in exploring and experimenting with this theme.

Take a look at our activities!
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2025 Activity Calendar
Details below

  • Conversations on the Theme of Presence Continue in 2025

    By inviting individuals with diverse experiences and perspectives to engage in dialogue around a central theme, we create meaningful and authentic encounters that open up new possibilities for creative connections between ideas, people, and practices.

    With a kaleidoscopic approach, our intention is not to establish a single, agreed-upon definition of presence, but rather to explore how this concept unfolds, manifests, and connects to both individual and collective human experience. In 2024, we began our exploration of this fundamental notion of human consciousness.

    While the first series of conversations was held by invitation only, this year we aim to open participation to a broader audience. We invite you to fill out this form (available in March). Based on your motivations and experiences, Brèches will form diverse groups to guide these explorations.

    Free – suggested donation – see our social pricing policy.

    May 21 & September 24 2025, at Cité-des-Hospitalières en transition.

  • Social Meditation

    Social meditation is both a very simple and profoundly deep practice, going straight to the heart of the matter. Seated in a circle, we practice presence, speaking from what is present, and authentic listening.

    It allows us to connect with both courage and vulnerability while offering others a space of non-judgmental welcome. A precious, often magical moment of connection that we want to share and cultivate.

    This practice was developed about fifteen years ago by Nick Kranz, a deep admirer of humanity and a long-time practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism, particularly within the Shambhala lineage.

    Brèches will host six social meditations this year. Each session lasts approximately one hour and takes place on Thursdays from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. After the meditation, biscuits and herbal tea are offered as a way to exchange.

    Free – suggested donation between $5 and $20 – see our social pricing policy.

    April 10, May 22, June 19, September 25, October 16, and November 27

    Meditations are guided by Geneviève Martineau.

    Registration forms available online in March.

  • This Year, Brèches Introduces the Discussion Gatherings Format

    We have witnessed the depth of meaning and connection that emerged among participants in the 2024 conversations we organized. Building on this experience, we now wish to bring these unique and inspiring perspectives on the theme of presence to a broader collective space.

    Lasting approximately 45 minutes, followed by a 15-minute Q&A session, these discussion gatherings offer an intimate and welcoming experience. They take place in front of a small audience in the exceptional setting of the chapel at Cité-des-Hospitalières (209 Avenue des Pins Ouest). These gatherings are open to a diverse, curious, and engaged audience.

    Schedule: Primarily on Wednesdays from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM

    The first discussion gathering will take place on March 26 with Professor Florence Vinit.

    The format will continue on April 30, May 28, and October 1.
    Guest speakers will be announced soon!

    Free – Suggested donation - see our social pricing policy

    Join us!

  • Warm Data Labs (WDL) at Brèches

    Warm Data Labs (WDL) are a practice developed by Nora Bateson, introduced for the first time in Montreal during her visit to Brèches in November 2024.

    Inspired by this approach of openness and interconnectedness—one that deeply resonates with our own intentions—Brèches is committed to offering new WDL sessions in collaboration with facilitators trained by Nora Bateson.

    A WDL invites us to reconnect aspects of life that we have been taught to approach separately—such as economy, health, family, history, and ecology—and weave them together. Nora Bateson encourages us to position ourselves at the center of all these relationships through our own lived experience while engaging with the diverse perspectives of those around us.

    Four WDL sessions will be organized in 2025:

    • June 14 at Cité-des-Hospitalières, more details soon !

    • Additional sessions in September, October, and December will take place in different locations all around Montreal to reach a wider audience.

    Stay tuned !

  • Exploring Presence Through Social Presencing Theater (SPT)

    The theme of presence, explored by Brèches in 2024-2025, has led to rich collaborations, allowing us to experience collective presence in various ways.

    This year, Brèches will host two activities at Cité-des-Hospitalières in collaboration with Arawana Hayashi and her team: an introduction to Social presencing and a Social Presencing Theater (SPT) workshop. SPT explores the transformative potential of presence.

    This embodied presence practice, developed over nearly two decades by Arawana Hayashi in collaboration with Otto Scharmer (founder of the Presencing Institute at M.I.T.) and others, offers unique tools for personal and collective transformation.

    By engaging the body’s movement and observing its patterns, hidden wisdom emerges. Information that was previously inaccessible to the conscious mind appears, and words can then express the intuition that arises, revealing possible directions forward.

    These activities will take place in the Community Hall at Cité-des-Hospitalières on September 12-13-14, 2025.

    More details coming soon!

  • Item description
  • More information coming soon.

  • A Musical Event (and More – Think Poetry, Performance, Drag… Let’s Surprise Ourselves!)

    An event that reimagines the idea of a mass/brèche, infused with today’s colors, rituals, and reflections. A gathering that illuminates and resonates through the chapel of the Hospitalières, creating an exceptional moment of celebration, connection, and festivity.

    A space to reflect on our intentions and our relationship to the world, while embracing the essence of love and communal joy found in traditional festivities.

    And always in the spirit of Brèches—something unexpected, creating moments of interruption, authenticity, presence, and gentleness, nudging us outside our usual frames of reference.

    Free admission – Suggested donation – See our social pricing policy

    December 20, 2025, at 8:30 PM
    Keept the date !

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